You could read more about my post
on Youtube: How to actually make
money online. In that post I talked
about making money online in
Nigeria with Youtube and it is all
about online advertising and getting
paid for producing videos.
Today I would want to talk about
what a lot of Nigerian bloggers and
forums have already talked about and
I'm talking about Google adsense.
Google adsense is growing to
become the largest source of online
revenue for most of Nigeria's web
Google adsense is a programme in
which Google agrees to and pays
website owners for allowing Google
adverts to be displayed on their
websites. This is also about online
advertising with Google being the
advertiser while website owners are
the publishers who get paid in
Even the big name sites have Google
ads being displayed on their pages
such as many Nigerian newspapers
that are online, Sports websites,
Nigerian forums and a couple of
growing bloggers.
With Google adsense, there is no
discrimination because Google would
most likely accept you if you have a
website with appreciable content
such as text, videos, music or other
attractive resource.
Google adsense is one of the reasons
why a lot of Nigerians are launching
more and more websites and domains
every month and the numbers just
keep increasing. But these website
owners have equally seen te benefit of
having a web presence such that even
without Google adsense, they could
still make money from online
How to start making money online
with Google adsense
One of the easiest and fastest ways to
start making money online with
Google is by setting up a blog or
website with continuously updated
content such that the more you
update with newer content, the
higher your earnings from adsense
How do you really start?
1. Set up a website/blog/forum with
your domain name and add content
to it for about a month
2. Sign up for Google adsense at
3. Generate and Paste Google ads on
popular page on your site
4. Increase traffic to your website by
5. Receive cheques and pay into your
domicilliary account
How to increase your Google adsense
earnings in Nigeria
Although you may find out that the
ads that are targeted at your site may
be earning your less than you may
have expected. You may even be
earning less than a dollar a week, but
to increase it you need to know your
strengths and weaknesses. First try to
find out how your site is performing
based on
- Search keywords
- Popular pages
You will need to improve on your
strengths and then diversify to other
areas where your website may be
lacking in order to capture more
traffic. It is really about traffic and
one way you can improve traffic is to
make your site interesting to visitors
who would later become repeat
visitors. Here are otehr ways
- Having an email list
- Using Feeds
- Membership registration
- Offering exciting and frequent
Related posts:
1. Youtube: How to actually make
money online
2. How to be a Problogger
3. Make money online without Google
4. How to make money with Google
5. Make money online with Hubpages in
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