Just recently, i helped a friend in
opening a facebook account using her
mobile phone but then i realised the
facebook mobile upload wasnt
functioning on her device or profile
rather. So tell me, how do i upload her
picture on her facebook profile using
facebook mobile?.
Eventhough i wasnt burdered with
that situation because i knew surely
there would be a way out to make it
So tell me?
Do you find it hard to upload profile
pictures and photos on the facebook
mobile? if yes, then i strongly
recommend you follow my ideas here.
What Could Warrant Facebook Mobile
Upload Functionality Disabled
Yes, based on my research on this, i
realised that there are some factors
that could lead to not been able to
1. Application Used In Accessing
Facebook : The kind of application you
used in accessing your facebook
profile could be responsible for this
and to tell you the truth, the widely
used browser that has this issue is
opera. Yes opera! Most operamini
browsers dont allow the facebook
mobile upload and i wonder why.
2. Kind and Model Of Phone : This is
another important factor, the kind of
phone you use might not allow uploads
function, But almost all nokia internet
enabled phones allow such functions.
So you should try using a nokia phone.
How I Tackle This Facebook Mobile
Upload Issue
This trick is quite simple. If the mobile
upload function is working for you
simply use a different browser or
application. Thats it!
After realising the opera doesnt
permit the facebook photo upload, i
simply used a different browser and
zoooooom it worked!
If you are using a PC in accessing
facebook and you want to know the
easier way to upload a photo on
facebook, simply read more from www.naijasoftwarecheats.com and www.softwarecheats.blogspot.comin
opening a facebook account using her
mobile phone but then i realised the
facebook mobile upload wasnt
functioning on her device or profile
rather. So tell me, how do i upload her
picture on her facebook profile using
facebook mobile?.
Eventhough i wasnt burdered with
that situation because i knew surely
there would be a way out to make it
So tell me?
Do you find it hard to upload profile
pictures and photos on the facebook
mobile? if yes, then i strongly
recommend you follow my ideas here.
What Could Warrant Facebook Mobile
Upload Functionality Disabled
Yes, based on my research on this, i
realised that there are some factors
that could lead to not been able to
1. Application Used In Accessing
Facebook : The kind of application you
used in accessing your facebook
profile could be responsible for this
and to tell you the truth, the widely
used browser that has this issue is
opera. Yes opera! Most operamini
browsers dont allow the facebook
mobile upload and i wonder why.
2. Kind and Model Of Phone : This is
another important factor, the kind of
phone you use might not allow uploads
function, But almost all nokia internet
enabled phones allow such functions.
So you should try using a nokia phone.
How I Tackle This Facebook Mobile
Upload Issue
This trick is quite simple. If the mobile
upload function is working for you
simply use a different browser or
application. Thats it!
After realising the opera doesnt
permit the facebook photo upload, i
simply used a different browser and
zoooooom it worked!
If you are using a PC in accessing
facebook and you want to know the
easier way to upload a photo on
facebook, simply read more from www.naijasoftwarecheats.com and www.softwarecheats.blogspot.com
1. The branch of agriculture that deal with structure and form of the
body is called...
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