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the installation of Adeona. You can download Adeona from here. Dependencies: 1. OpenSSL 2. traceroute 3. cron 4. iwconfig [optional] Of these commands, cron and iwconfig are most likely to be already installed in a default Ubuntu laptop or netbook installation. In Debian/Ubuntu, OpenSSL means the default install plus the development tool package libssl-dev. Iwconfig is part of the wireless-tools package.
So . . . #aptitudeinstallcron wireless-toolsopenssl libssl-devtraceroutecron Since aptitude won't install a package if is already installed, it's safe to use the above command line even if two or more of these packages are already installed. In my Ubuntu netbook installation, traceroute and libssl-dev were the only things actually installed. Then, do the usual build-from-source: cd to whatever directory the Adeona tarball is installed to #tar-xvfadeona* #cdadeona #./configure #makeinstall type “y” “to the do you want to install ?” question When the crontab entry which will make sure Adeona runs on startup appears, copy and paste it from the terminal to a text editor because you'll need it later. #crontab-e Pick nano from your editor choice (unless you really like something else better) Paste the crontab line entry generated by Adeona into the crontab file.
Call +2347030722911 to get this software
Once you are done, transfer a copy of your key to whichever computer you expect to use for finding your netbook, and install a copy of Adeona for whatever supported OS you run on it. Don't worry about the crontab file on the retrieval machine unless it's a laptop/netbook you also want Adeona to protect, otherwise there's no particular reason to send location updates. I simply attached the adeona- retrievecredentials.ost encryption key to an e-mail and sent it to my desktop, otherwise, transport it via flash drive, ftp, or whatever's convenient to a place where you can find it when you need it. It won't do you any good if it's on your netbook and the netbook is stolen. Retrieval: To find your netbook if stolen, you must retrieve the location information for your netbook from the OpenDHT database.
To do this, you must have Adeona installed to whatever computer you want to use to track your laptop. Any Adeona installation will work, whether on Linux, OSX, or Windows. This assumes the default Linux installation, if your files are somewhere else, modify the following retrieval command accordingly. The following command is a single line regardless of how this web page inserts page breaks: #/usr/local/adeona/ adeona-retrieve.exe-r/ usr/local/adeona/resources -l/usr/local/adeona/ resources/logs-s/path- to/adeona- retrievecredentials.ost-n 1 -r=resourcedirectory (configurationfiles) -l=outputlogdirectory -s=locationofadeona- retrievecredentials.ost file. -n=numberofupdatesto collect
Call +2347030722911 to get this software
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